We know you are wondering...



We are the tribe of women who are raising the world. Think about that a second. It's a huge responsibility, and we need each other!
We may not agree on everything, and that's ok. We welcome every mom who walks through our doors and recognize her worth!

  • Honest Conversations

Real talk is liberating. It frees us from assumptions that we are alone in our struggles. We value taking a risk and sharing your story. It can be healing for you and help someone else know they aren't alone.
Faith often enters our discussions, but always on a personal level and not pushy or judgy. We will NEVER discriminate or shame a mom for her beliefs or choices.

  • Engaging Activities

We design our meetings around a model to educate, create, and retreat... with lots of time to visit and get to know other moms. Every meeting is as different as the moms we strive to support.
Of course, because of the diversity of our moms, this often means not every meeting will appeal to every mom, but that's ok! And don't worry! The next meeting will be different! Plus, while COVID precautions are necessary a number of our events will be virtual as well.

Our meetings feature one or more of the following:

-A video, speaker or panel that gives practical tools and insight into the specific things that are important to our moms. We often follow up with group discussions or a related project.

-A little time to indulge in a creative project... and actually finish it! Nothing really fancy, just something "Pinterest-y" but still useful- our Creative Activities Coordinator works hard to find projects that are worth our valuable mom-time.

-A chance to relax and have a little fun! Whether it's a silly game or (probably overdue) self-care, we just take a minute to be the version of ourself that isn't all about mom-ing.... and it's wonderful! (Don't worry, we won't tell the kids!)


Children under 1 are welcome at meetings if you wish to bring them. For children over 1 we USUALLY offer MOPS Kids, an excellent VBS-style environment staffed by nurturing teachers from right here in our community.

Currently, due to COVID, we are only offering childcare if your spouse is affected by their military work schedule or other military duties. Please contact us for more information or to register your family.
For those that do not qualify, we are putting together a list of care providers that you can contact for your needs. These care providers have been background checked and fingerprinted by the military but we recommend you interview them yourself and decide if they would be a good fit for your family.

We are eager to return to providing care for all your kids when things return to "normal" and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.

  • FOOD

Imagine a place where you can eat a meal without little fingers picking off your plate, without cleaning up spills, retreiving thrown utinsils, and WITH actual adult conversation!!!

This place exists- it's our meetings! Come enjoy this forgotten luxury with us!

  • Don't forget Playdates & Mom Events!

We love to socialize, even outside of meetings so once or twice a month we get together for playdates and mom events. Playdates are currently suspended due to COVID but normally they include parks, play places, and teddy bear picnics! Mom events, which we are still holding, are an opportunity to get out kid-free! Sometimes we do lunch and a photo scavenger hunt at Target (plus a little shopping) other times it's a mid-morning brunch or dinner out- regardless of where or what we always manage to have fun! The best part is Playdates & Mom Events are YEAR ROUND!  Some are open to all moms (click here) and some are reserved for registered members only(click here)

You've earned this break, Mama!

Ready to attend a meeting?

DM MOPS & MOMSnext currently meets every 1st & 3rd Thursday. Follow us on our PUBLIC Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/DMMOPS/ for meeting time, current events and information. We also have a private Facebook group for registered members that has access to member only events and posts.  

We take break for the summer, but schedule playdates and mom events as we can, which can also be found on Facebook.

For more information, feel free to email us at DavisMonthan.MOPS@gmail.com or message us on FB at https://www.facebook.com/DMMOPS/ for a more prompt reply.

Davis-Monthan MOPS (DM MOPS) is a private organization. It is not a part of the Department of Defense or any of its components and it has no governmental status.