Registration is Now Open!

Registering is super simple, just click the the "Register for DM MOPS" button above or register in person at any meeting using a paper form. 

If this is your first time visiting our group, your first meeting is free! If you decide you like us (YAY!) and want to join our group (double YAY!),  membership and financial information  is below.

If you have secured your own childcare, are pregnant, or your child is an infant under 1 years old you do not need to register for MOPS Kids. 

PLEASE NOTE If you wish to use MOPS Kids you MUST pre-register to make sure we have enough space. Please see the MOPS Kids page for more information.

Feel free to use the "Email Us" link below if you have any questions or message us on FB at for a more prompt reply.

We invest in our moms!

Membership & Financial

MOPS and MOMSnext is more than a playgroup or social club. We help moms in our community and touch lives around the world. 

Here on Davis-Monthan, we provide Baby Care and Changing stations at base-wide events. Additionally, as part of MOPS International we help support Teen MOPS groups around the United States as well as groups for at-risk moms in developing countries.

In order to do this we charge dues* and fundraise throughout the year. In addition, you may occasionally be asked to volunteer or help support moms in our community by signing up to bring a meal or provide some other need. These are not mandatory, but our group focuses on supporting each other and encourage you to do the same. 

At the root of our Davis-Monthan Military MOPS & MOMSnext group we are here for moms... this means YOU.

We never want money to get in the way of connecting with moms! 

So if you have a unique financial need don't stress! Special payment arrangements and scholarships are available.

Use the "Email us" link aboveto receive a scholorship or payment arrangement application. 

We are a not-for-profit group and strive to be good stewards of the monies we receive. Our dues and fundraising cover our activities, supplies, aaaaaall the goodies and gifts we distribute to our moms throughout the year, our community outreach events as well as scholarships andoperating fees our group may incur. Our leadership team is volunteer only and do not recieve payment for their services. If members ever have questions concerning our finances, we ask that they are brought to the attention of the group Coordinator. The Coordinator is happy to answer questions. 

*For information for the current year dues can be gotten at any meeting. 

To find out more about MOPS International, please visit

Davis-Monthan MOPS (DM MOPS) is a private organization. It is not a part of the Department of Defense or any of its components and it has no governmental status.